Significant Weather

High Level and Medium Level SIGWX

High Level SIGWX

+00H, +06H, +12H, +18H ICAO Area A (America, north & south) - 67°N to 54°S, 137°24'W to 12°36'W (mercator projection)
+00H, +06H, +12H, +18H ICAO Area D (Africa, Asia & Southern Europe) - 63°N to 27°S, 15°W to 132°E (mercator projection)
+00H, +06H, +12H, +18H ICAO Area E (Indian Ocean region) - 44°55'N to 53°55'S, 24°46'E to 180°E
+00H, +06H, +12H, +18H ICAO Area F (Pacific Ocean region) - 42°30'N to 47°30'S, 100°E to 110°W (mercator projection)
+00H, +06H, +12H, +18H ICAO Area G (Europe, Asia, Russia & NE Africa) - polar stereographic projection, northern hemisphere
+00H, +06H, +12H, +18H ICAO Area J (Southern Pacific Ocean & Antarctica) - polar stereographic projection, southern hemisphere
+00H, +06H, +12H, +18H ICAO Area K (Southern Indian Ocean & Southern Ocean) - polar stereographic projection, southern hemisphere
+00H, +06H, +12H, +18H ICAO Area M (Northern Pacific region) - 72°N to 10°S, 110°E to 110°W (mercator projection)

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Medium Level SIGWX

+00H (Medium Level SIGWX CHART VALID 00:00 UTC)
+06H (Medium Level SIGWX CHART VALID 06:00 UTC)
+12H (Medium Level SIGWX CHART VALID 12:00 UTC)
+18H (Medium Level SIGWX CHART VALID 18:00 UTC)

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